After taking a search on google, I saw that no one had CPS game cases for sale and the only attempt that someone came up with was using a cardboard box. Now I dont have anything against cardboard, but if I paid $350 or higher for a CPS game, I need a little more protection than cardboard can provide.
I decided that my only option was create my own CPS cases. The case needed to strong and somehow I need to display game artwork on the case. I went to home depot and bought some wood and Plexiglass (acrylic).
I have two CPS II games - AVP and Progear, so by default I needed to make two game cases. The Progear case was made first. I had not made a wood product before so a few mistakes were made, however they were easy to fix.
The top and side of both cases were fitted with plexiglass where I have a the cps marquee and game move strip. Overall I am happy with my resutlts. Here are some pics of the cases: